Saturday, November 10, 2012

A BIG Smile

New football cleats.......... $17

Thermal Underwear.......... $25

Dunford donuts for the team...........  $13

The Cost of seeing the smile on Gib's face when playing football in the snow.......... Priceless!

The first snow storm was GREAT this year.  I don't remember getting snow like this all year last season?  I was home with the girls yesterday.  I was trying to be a party-pooper.  I thought we were too sick to play outside in the snow.  But who can tell that to an excited 4 year-old who has just seen the first snow storm this year?  Within a couple hours we were outside building snowmen.  Meet Bucka and Loda (I have no idea where Emmy came up with those names!).

I don't remember it being so much work to build a snowman when I was a kid.  Maybe because my dad did all the hard work... I will never forget the BIGGEST snowman ever built in our front yard.  We were so proud of it.  I love memories of our great Utah snow!

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About Me

We are both thrilled to be parents. Our miracle baby was born on August 20, 2008. We are happy to have her in our family and cherish our time with her. I am a chemist at a rocket manufacturer who supplies propulsion for the NASA space shuttle. I got my bachelor's degree from the University of Utah in 2004. I love my job! Gib works at a microbiology testing lab. He is currently attending classes at the University of Utah to get a bachelors degree in biological engineering. We have been married since July 2002. We met at a U of U singles ward. Laura (my cousin) and I had just moved into an apartment together when Gib was assigned to be our home teacher. Needless to say, Gib was a dedicated home teacher. And I didn't mind at all!