Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tribute to the new Snowboarding season!

Last season, Jolleen, Justin and their family came to Utah from Pennsylvania for their family vacation. I had the chance to snowboard with our nephew, Nick Stewart. He's good at snowboarding and he loves it! Gib commented on a jagged looking peak on the mountain top and Nick would respond, "I'd grind that." He also said that about stairs, rails, rooftops, trees, curbs, etc. Nick definitely coined the phrase and now we all love and remember him for it. We had one funny incident on the slope after Nick caught his front edge and belly flopped on his stomach. Every snowboarder understands what I am talking about. We have all done it plenty of times, right? He had to pee so bad after his crash. He took off his snowboard to find a good tree and his snowboard leaped down the slope without him. We both frantically chased his board half way down the slope but we couldn't keep up. We found it after it slammed into a big metal box. Whew, we were glad we found his board. I can't wait to board with him again this year. I'm sure he will be teaching me some jumps and turns this year!


Anonymous said...

I love how your funny ski story involves someone else's mistake. Maybe you recall the time you fell out of the ski lift... luckily landing in some soft powder. I've never laughed so hard. Those chair lifts scared the crap out of me. I had barely gotten on the lift when I heard you scream. Chris and I turned around just in time to see you hanging onto the lift with one hand and Ashley's leg with the other with your body dangling below the chair. Is that the same trip we all had our arms ripped off/ whiplash by that lift that drags you up that little hill? What a ski resort. And we thought Gib would need help...
Good times :)

Anonymous said...

Good it didn't kill someone!

About Me

We are both thrilled to be parents. Our miracle baby was born on August 20, 2008. We are happy to have her in our family and cherish our time with her. I am a chemist at a rocket manufacturer who supplies propulsion for the NASA space shuttle. I got my bachelor's degree from the University of Utah in 2004. I love my job! Gib works at a microbiology testing lab. He is currently attending classes at the University of Utah to get a bachelors degree in biological engineering. We have been married since July 2002. We met at a U of U singles ward. Laura (my cousin) and I had just moved into an apartment together when Gib was assigned to be our home teacher. Needless to say, Gib was a dedicated home teacher. And I didn't mind at all!