Tuesday, October 26, 2010


All I can say is this is one tough girl! By the time Emmy turned two, her doctors, Gib and I decided it would improve her health if she had her tonsils and adenoids removed. So, last Wednesday we went to Primary Childrens Hospital for surgery. She also got tubes in both ears. This is a picture of Emmy and Gib before surgery. She was so hungry.

I cannot say enough positive things about Primary Childrens Hospital in Salt Lake. Dr. Muntz and his staff were amazing. And I'm pretty sure it is the only place where a child can ride a big wheel into surgery! Who can complain about that? This is Emmy immediately following surgery.

Yum, orange slushy!

And this is Emmy playing a few hours after surgery. It has been hard on her, but she is one amazing little girl. She is handling it so well!

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About Me

We are both thrilled to be parents. Our miracle baby was born on August 20, 2008. We are happy to have her in our family and cherish our time with her. I am a chemist at a rocket manufacturer who supplies propulsion for the NASA space shuttle. I got my bachelor's degree from the University of Utah in 2004. I love my job! Gib works at a microbiology testing lab. He is currently attending classes at the University of Utah to get a bachelors degree in biological engineering. We have been married since July 2002. We met at a U of U singles ward. Laura (my cousin) and I had just moved into an apartment together when Gib was assigned to be our home teacher. Needless to say, Gib was a dedicated home teacher. And I didn't mind at all!