Emmy has severe food allergies to milk, eggs, and dairy. When we first learned about her allergies, I was desperate. I couldn't imagine how I could feed my child a healthy, well-balanced diet without the staples of milk and eggs. Seriously, milk and eggs are in everything! With the help of an excellent allergist and a supportive network called UFAN (Utah Food Allergy Network) we learned how very lucky we are compared to so many others. Also, we learned how to cook in a different way to accommodate Emmy's allergies.
Yesterday, we just had a follow-up appointment with the allergist. The skin prick test was traumatic this year. Basically, the nurse used a needle to insert an extract of the suspected allergen below her skin in a grid formation on her back. Em screamed and cried and couldn't understand why this stranger was hurting her, and even worse, why her parents weren't protecting her. After they were done drawing her blood, she was easily distracted with a dum-dum and everything in the world was right again.
Now, to the victory part. . . she has outgrown her egg and nut allergies! She still has a significant allergy to milk, but we can deal with that. I feel like this is a direct answer to our prayers! Well, maybe I should say to my parents prayers. . . I really believe my Mom could pray any miracle into existence. I am certain this is the only reason I survived adolescence!