Sunday, April 26, 2009

8 months old

At 8 months old Emmy sits by herself and is almost crawling. She definitely doesn’t have a problem moving around to get what she wants. She was drinking her bottle at her babysitter’s house when she finished it. Emmy was still hungry so she army-crawled across the floor, picked-up another baby’s bottle and started drinking it. Unfortunately, the other bottle had formula in it, which, Emmy has never drunk before. When her Dad got Emmy home she threw-up all over the bed and broke out in hives because the formula didn’t agree with her. She is a girl who knows how to get what she wants!

Emmy’s babysitter tells us that she is a bit of a bully at daycare. A 6 year-old boy was in her way so she grabbed the bottom of his pant leg and single-handedly pulled him down. I wonder if she made him cry?

Peas are Emmy’s favorite food. She is a good eater. Carrots, squash, green beans, prunes, applesauce and rice cereal are everything Emmy loves to eat. Her Dad bought peas at the grocery store as a joke, thinking it would be funny to see what faces she would make when she ate them. He didn’t imagine that she would love them! She sure showed him!

She is still very petite and small for her age. She is just starting to wear her 6 month clothes. Her Grandma and Grandpa Gilbert keep her well-dressed. They buy her everything from princess pajamas to baby cashmere. She has more clothes in her closet than her Mom and Dad put together!

She smiles easily and is most often happy. Her bright blue eyes are vibrant and twinkle when she smiles. Everyone says we are spoiled to have such a good baby. She seems so wise, as if she already knows who she is as a daughter of God. She is keeping busy noticing and loving everything; a tiny string on the edge of the comforter, Chris and Dani’s plush carpet, her shadow on the side of the bathtub, the feel of the breeze in her hair, the sound of the cars, and the reflection of light on the ceiling from her toy mirror. Cause and effect is an exciting concept for her right now. She loves to see how the light reflection moves across the ceiling as she points her little mirror in different directions.

Emmy loves to play with her Mom and Dad. Her Daddy holds her and jumps backwards when her Mom lunges at her and says, “I’m gonna get you!” We repeat this over and over in different combinations. We all laugh together when we play this game.

Emmy loves to sit with Grandma and Grandpa Brems at church every week. She is certainly the most entertained baby at church. It is one of the many advantages of living with Grandma and Grandpa! They share a special relationship. Every Friday, when her Mom and Aunt Ashley go to work, Emmy and Logan get to spend all day with Grandma and Grandpa. They do so many fun things together. They play with toys, walk to the park, swing on swings, read books, visit Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Sommers, and giggle and smile a whole bunch.


Dani Brems said...

and she fake smiles for cameras. We sure do love that Emmy!

Bernard Family said...

Soooo cute! Its so much fun as a proud parent to look back and see when they hit all of those fun mile stones.

Layton family said...

I enjoyed the great update on what Emmy is doing and what she likes! It is crazy how early you can sense a strong personality. Brit,your hair looks REALLY cute!

About Me

We are both thrilled to be parents. Our miracle baby was born on August 20, 2008. We are happy to have her in our family and cherish our time with her. I am a chemist at a rocket manufacturer who supplies propulsion for the NASA space shuttle. I got my bachelor's degree from the University of Utah in 2004. I love my job! Gib works at a microbiology testing lab. He is currently attending classes at the University of Utah to get a bachelors degree in biological engineering. We have been married since July 2002. We met at a U of U singles ward. Laura (my cousin) and I had just moved into an apartment together when Gib was assigned to be our home teacher. Needless to say, Gib was a dedicated home teacher. And I didn't mind at all!